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How long does each episode take to make?

I know a lot of people work on the episodes. How many hours do you think goes into each episode?

does anyone on the team read Junji Ito?

I'm a big fan of his work and was wondering if anyone on the team reads his work, and if you have, did you like it? I know it isn't for everyone but I myself love it!

How much of the podcast is "improv"?

How much of the podcast is improv? Is there a lot of improvising when recording an episode? For example parts where you might add your own bits to the script? (I genuinely feel like there is but I have to ask!)

Scary Inspiration

How do our favorite voice actors get into the scary storytelling mood? What scary inspirations are recommended….or not? (Insert scary music overlayed with nefarious laughter)

How do the voice actors record together?

Do your voice actors all live in the same city or how do you record together?